Achieving Your Sex Goals in 2019! #SexGoddessTips
The New Year represents different things for everyone. For some, it’s a new chapter, a clean slate, a fresh start, a way to get rid of old habits, and make improvements on one’s self. When we talk about the New Year however, the topic of sex is not something many talk about improving on unless the goal is to have more of it. And let’s be honest with ourselves: Majority of those New Year’s Resolutions everyone is making, won’t make it out of January.
When making goals for myself, I try my best not make them just because when the clock strikes midnight, we will be in a new year. You can always create goals that have a time limit on them, but the goals that you are most likely to achieve are the ones you take on as a lifestyle change or has some type of intrinsic motivation to them. For example, if you plan to become healthier and exercise more, starting small then gradually adding more things into your regimen can help you maintain yourself and reach your ultimate goal. Or picking up a new language because you thoroughly enjoy the enlighten you get from learning it. Regardless of your motivation, here are some ways you can achieve your sex goals in the New Year.
Make a List of Your Sex Goals
Let’s say that your goal(s) are more specific than just getting laid more. Putting together a list of your sex goals can help you put things into prospective and figure out how you’re going to get them done. Maybe there are somethings that you have always wanted to do, new fantasies that you have always wanted to try, or even a newly developed fetish.
Discuss Goals with Your Partner
If you have a partner, it is very important to discuss what you would like to get out of each other in the bedroom and beyond. This is not only practicing consent, but creates an open line of communication with your partner. If your goal is very specific and is something you and your partner have never discussed before, bring it up during conversation. Bouncing sexy ideas off of one another is also a great idea and brings out the creativity in both of you.
Do Research if you’re Unsure
If your sex goal is something a little more on the risqué side of things or you want to persuade your partner to try something new but they’re not quite sold on the just yet, seal the deal by watching videos, reading articles, or watching porn. Maybe you’re looking into becoming a part of a non-monogamous relationship or looking to embrace the poly-amorous lifestyle. It doesn’t hurt to ask around and see what others experiences have been if you
Masturbate More Often
Whether you goal is to have more orgasms or to have more meaningful sex, masturbation is a great tool for practically everything. You can create new fantasies and experience different sensations through masturbation. Experimenting with different sex toys and techniques to find out what feels good or even better is an enlightening experience all on its own.
This article is by Tiffy Kink,
check out her blog
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